Calamus tenuis Roxb. (Pani bet)

Common Name:
Acc. No. 118

Distribution: C. tenuis is seen in the Sub – Himalayan hills and valleys of north and north eastern India. Its distribution extends to Bangladesh, Myanmar and South Vietnam. Common in lower hill valleys and seasonal swamps (Basu, 1992).

Provenance collected: The seeds were collected from Thripura.

Nature of species: It is a cluster forming slender rattan, stem without sheaths to 1 cm in diameter.

Flowering: September- October.

Fruiting: March - April.

Conservation status:Considered as at ‘Lower Risk’ (Renuka, 2001).

Uses: One of the most commonly exploited canes in India. Used in the furniture industry. Ripe fruits and shoot tips are edible.

References: Renuka, C.,Bhat,K.V.,Pandalai,R.C. 2010. Rattans of India. Kerala Forest Research Institute,Peechi,Thrissur,Kerala.pp.133