Artisan Cluster
KFRI Bamboo /Cane cluster members are skilled artisans engaged in making bamboo/cane related eco-friendly products,
handicrafts, food products, nursery and utility items, have successfully joined and registered their enterprises under UdyogAdhaar
Scheme through the i- STED, DST project of the Kerala Forest Research Institute for promoting value added bamboo/cane based
industries. A good number of traditional socio-politically backward bamboo and cane artisans and non-traditional entrepreneurs
interested in setting up of bamboo and/cane based industries are getting sufficiently trained to establish and run the units. Assured
free technical and social support from experts in setting up of the units by the trainees will create a better opportunity for the value
added utilization of the precious renewable eco-friendly low input natural resource, Bamboo & Cane, for handicrafts, woven mat-
based products, utility items, furniture and fixtures, joinery, panel products as well as for housing and other construction sector.
Specifically, the livelihood of traditional marginalized bamboo and cane artisans and sustenance of bamboo and cane-based
industries of the locality/region improved and a success story for other regions generated..